Tuesday, April 22, 2014

An excerpt from Thich Nhat Hanh's beautiful book, "The Art of Communicating," his response when asked by a reporter how to tell the truth about terrible events. I'm bookmarking this here because I'm sure to need the reminder as I'm telling these stories: 

"We can tell the truth, but we must help people understand. When people understand, their anger will lessen. They don't lose hope, they know what to do and what not to do, what to consume and what not to consume in order not to continue this kind of suffering. So my message that morning was that we should reflect and discuss events in a way that will not increase the despair and the anger in people. Instead, we can help them to understand why things happen, so their insight and compassion increase. We can make a big difference with the practice of looking deeply. The solution isn't to hide the truth." 

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